Monday, September 23, 2013

5 Easy Costumes You can Make At Home

Halloween is just around the corner and just a little over month away. Can you believe it?!

Have your kiddos already started telling you what they want to be or do they need a little help deciding?

It has been a long tradition in some families to make their costumes rather than buy and in this post, I wanted to share some fun costumes you can make, with no sewing involved!

1. Got two kids? Do a washing machine and laundry basket. For the washing machine, get a body sized square box and paint it to look like a washing machine. Cut arm-holes and a hole in the top for the head. Glue a, empty detergent bottle on top. Have you child dress in a solid color. For the laundry basket, get and old laundry basket and cut the bottom out. make sandwich board-like straps on the top. Have your child dress in all one color. Prior to getting dressed up, hit glue some old clothes and socks on the inside of the "basket" and if your child is wearing a cap, put some socks on it as well.

2. Bunch of Grapes: I was this one Halloween. I wore a purple sweatsuit and a green beanie. My mom put purple balloons all over my sweats, held on with safety pins. It was super easy!

3. Lego: Get a Box large enough for your child's body that is rectangular and color it all one color. Attach Solo plastic cups to it..three in a row, vertically and evenly spaced.  Make sure they match the color you chose for the "Lego". Cut arm holes and the bottom off your box as well as a hole for the head. Have your child wear a beanie the same color as the chosen Lego.

4. Sheep: Dress you child in black leggings. On a solid white t-shirt, hot glue fluffy stuffing onto it to cover. have your child wear a skin tight long sleeve black shirt under. Make sure to paint a "nose" on your little sheep. For ears, just cut out from felt and attach to a headband. This would be super cute if you have a bunch of kids dressed this way!

5. Bag of Cotton Candy: Get a clear, child sized clean (obviously!) trash bag. Cut leg and arm holes. Have your child dress in all pink.Fill the bag with pink fluff (stuffing can be found at craft stores). Cinch the top.

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