Monday, September 2, 2013

How to Save Money on School Lunches

School lunches can get expensive. But never fear money smart mom or dad, Kidzies has some tips to lighten the expense and give your kids some variety as well!

9 Tips to lowering school lunch costs:

1. Never buy pre-packaged snacks and lunch box fillers. These can cost 50-75% more than just portioning out from a larger package.

2. Use leftovers from dinner. Cold pizza, ham made into sandwiches and chicken salad can be great for lunch boxes.

3. Don't buy disposable drink pouches. Instead, opt for a reusable water bottle. If your child doesn't like plain water, try adding a packet of sugar free drink mix. To make sure their drink doesn't get lost, make sure you also invest in a Huggerz at a great price of $6!

4. Don't brown bag it. A reusable lunch bag is much more economical.

5. For sweet treats, spend a day on the weekend and make cookies or something similar for lunches rather than buying some.

6. Buy fruit that is in season to send with your kiddo. This is always a more economical choice.

7. Does your child like fruit snacks? Either buy dried fruit in bulk or make your own in a dehydrator. Much healthier and much more budget friendly.

8. Skip sandwich baggies and go for re-usable containers.

9. Don't forget to make sure your child likes what you are sending. It is a total waste of time and money if what you send with them doesn't get eaten.

Have a happy school year!

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