Saturday, June 22, 2013

Tooth Fairy Ideas and Tips

The other night, my daughter lost a tooth. It was a molar and this made me sad because she is 10 and soon all her baby teeth will be gone! I decided to make this visit from the tooth fairy extra special. I fully believe in keeping magic alive as long as you can in a child's life.

It then dawned on me that there really isn't a whole lot of information out there on the Internet.

I decided I would share what I did this time and some other tips if you are slightly more crafty than me as well.

Tooth Fairy Tips:

1. First of all, you will need a container for the tooth. Skip the plastic baggie and go for the "big guns" as they say. It can be something as simple as a mint tin that is decorated or there are containers you can buy for this occasion as well. I personally think even putting them inside a Treasure Bagz would be awesome!

2. Make sure you leave the window cracked for the fairy to come in and tell your child that is the reason. Now, in winter, this may not work, but if the weather is warm enough, this is fun!

3. Tell your child to help you set up a plate of "nibblers" for the fairy. She must get so tired after gathering teeth and want a snack! Make the plate mini-even use a child's dish from a play dish set. Put small morsels on the plate. Make sure you eat them or make the disappear so when you child gets up, they see the fairy "ate" them :)

4. Write a note, of course! Here is a sample note based on the one I wrote for my daughter:

"Dear ______,
Last night, I was in ________ and I saw your wonderful town/city! The kids there sure have some nice teeth! I saw you wiggle that tooth loose last night and place it under your pillow so I made a special stop to see you and pick up the tooth. Let me tell you, it is the PERFECT tooth for making fairy dust-so pearly white and shiny! You must take care of your teeth well!

Thank you so much for leaving me such a great tooth!


The Tooth Fairy

Ps. You are getting so big!"

5. A magical tip is to put some glitter on the plate the fairy "ate from" and maybe a tiny bit on the child's pillow.

6. To make fairy dust money, take a bill and spray it with hairspray. Quickly sprinkle some fine glitter on it while it is still wet. You don't need much glitter or hairspray. What is great about this method is, it washes off easily. You could also leave a shiny new toothbrush as well.

I hope these tips help you make a visit from the Tooth Fairy magical!

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